New Proxies from

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Proxy Server 2.0

As a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, working in consultancy, I have had experience of several different Proxy products. The main advantage of this product is that it is a "no bells" product that "does exactly what it says on the box", however in todays world a product with as little NAT and Filtering capability as this has should not be relied upon as the only source of protection from the internet. At best it is a good way of utilising a dial-up internet connection between many employees, at worst it can provide a false sense of security with an "always on" connection. DO buy this if you're looking to share a slow (128 Kbs or less i.e. 2 ISDN connections) dialup connection. DON'T buy this product if you intend to use it as your only form of protection on a leased line (ADSL for example)

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